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Primary Election Results

We would like to offer our congratulations to Janet Fogarty and Dave DeCoste in their wins as First Plymouth & Norfolk State Committee Man and Woman!  The HRTC also wants to acknowledge that Donald Trump secured all Massachusetts delegates to the RNC in July with his win on Tuesday and John Marsi secured a victory in the special election, earning the position of State Representative for the 6th Worcester Legislative District. 

We received the preliminary election results from the Town Hall but there are additional ballots, such as Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act ballots that still need to be added to the count and we will have the final results by the end of the week. As such, I will await the final election results before posting the elected Town Republican Committee members.  

Our next HRTC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13th at the South Shore Country Club at 7:00 pm and on the agenda is a discussion of the Primary election results and upcoming reorganization meeting.  

Please note, at the March 13th meeting we will discuss the March 5th Primary election results and review the process for the upcoming re-organization meeting (date TBD) which per Chap. 52 Sec. 4 states that "each city, ward and town committee shall within ten days after the thirtieth day next following the election of its members, meet and organize by the choice of a chairman, secretary, a treasurer and such other officers as it may decide to elect".   

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